Ginny Z Berson is a long-time political activist driven by a longing for justice. She was a member of The Furies-- a radical lesbian feminist separatist collective in Washington, D.C. that lived and worked collectively to develop lesbian feminist political thought and philosophy. The group produced a newspaper, The Furies, that had a significant impact on women’s groups in the U.S. Ginny was a contributor and member of the editorial staff.
Ginny and her partner, the musician Meg Christian, were the initial driving force behind the creation of Olivia Records, the national women’s record company. Olivia produced records by Meg, Cris Williamson, BeBe K’Roche, Linda Tillery, Teresa Trull, Mary Watkins, a poetry album by Pat Parker and Judy Grahn, and Lesbian Concentrate—a “lesbianthology” in response to a rising wave of homophobia.
After leaving Olivia in 1980, Ginny worked for many years in community radio---at KPFA-FM, Pacifica Radio, and the National Federation of Community Broadcasters. In 2014, Ginny received the Bader Award from the National Federation of Community Broadcasters.
Ginny is the Director of Outreach for World Trust Educational Services, an anti-racist educational organization that produces documentary films, curricula, workshops, and training.
She also does racial equity work in Oakland, CA with Neighbors for Racial Justice.